in da house

Old House, New to Us

Howdy, strangers! Apologies for the unannounced hiatus, three events dovetailed into a firestorm of No Free Time and Other Excuses.

The first and most fun one mid February we closed on our first house! Which means for the past month, I've been working and then coming home to pack/move/unpack/clean/cry.

The second and sort of fun one is...I got offered a promotion at Webs to full time, to manage their social media accounts! I started the week we closed, which meant I was moving...and training...and suddenly back to working 40 hours a week.

The third and not remotely fun one work computer had two fans that didn't work and I needed to send it back for repairs while it was still under warranty. It just came back home today! (We do have another computer but it's a stripped-down, internet-only laptop at this point and I don't like to exhaust it too much.)

Enough excuses. If you are hoping for a knitting related post, please check back soon, nothing yarn-related to see here, etc. I took some photos of the house the day after closing before we moved a bunch of stuff in because it's definitely a fixer upper and I wanted to be able to catalog our progress. I also had just bought a shoe flash for my camera and wanted to play with it! Now that I have my computer (and Lightroom) back in my hot little hands, I was able to edit these and now I can share some choice picks with you. All photos taken with my Nikon D3200.

The kitchen has a pantry!! So adorable! The house was built in 1931, for reference. Coming from an apartment severely lacking in storage, that pantry has been a godsend now that we've unpacked our kitchen wares. It holds much more than I thought physically possible and I love being able to see all our dry and canned goods at once. Definitely a bonus in using the food we have instead of buying more that we don't need! Also please excuse the box of tissues. These were not fancy staged home modeling photos, haha.

What is now our living room! The next room it connects to is the entry room, and there is another opening with those amazing pillars connecting the entry room to the dining room. That striped thing peeking through the window is an old couch on the front enclosed porch that the owner left there. I can't wait to sit on the porch in the summer knitting and let the kitties out there with us!

The cuuutest sweetest plaque on the front door. We were lucky enough to talk to our neighbor Gordon after we moved in, who has lived on the street for 63 years. He said a woman named Geraldine lived in the house first, and the Marsh's moved in during the 50s.

Let's head upstairs!

One of the four bedrooms upstairs. Unfortunately the floors are in much worse shape on the second floor. We've already refinished the hardwood floors downstairs, excepting the kitchen because we are going to do a total overhaul there later and might do tile or stone for the floor. We'll get to the floors upstairs eventually though!

The upstairs is also home to...outdated wallpaper! I chose a pretty shot that did not show the peeling sections, but it's there. Eventually that will all come down.

While this won't turn into a full fledged DIY home renovation blog, I'll be periodically posting house goings-on because hey, it's crafty! Just a different kind.